
Monday, December 13, 2010

Crazy Kid Food: Butterfly Hotdogs

Butterfly Hotdog
We made these with bisquik and they were a huge hit!!! Karina loved helping to make them and then EAT them. 
We divide the prepared dough into quarters and mixed in food coloring into each. 
Then we formed the butterfly on a cookie sheet (with the slit in the hotdog as shown) and put it in the oven. Time/ temp on box.


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

First Blog

It is so hard to find education, entertaining, creative or fun activities for toddlers on the web. There are plenty of preschool sites but nothing geared toward the under 3 bunch.  I homeschool toddlers. Yes, I said homeschool toddlers. It's  a lot of purpose driven play, art that has hidden education and the self help skills that are so important to this age group. I will post bits of what we do during the day and some pictures too. I hope that anyone who takes care of toddlers will be able to pull something helpful from this blog.  Enjoy!!!